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Thymosin β4 is a 43 amino acid peptide which is regarded as the main intracellular G-actin sequestering peptide. Extracellular thymosin β4 may contribute to physiological processes such as angiogenesis, wound healing and regulation of inflammation.
Terlipressin is a synthetic triglycyllysine derivative of vasopressin with vasoconstrictive, antihemorrhagic, and antidiuretic properties. Upon intravenous administration, terlipressin, an inactive prodrug, is biotransformed to its active moiety, lysine vasopressin (LVP), a nonselective vasopressin analogue with affinity for vasopressin receptors V1 (V1a), V2 and V3 (V1b). As a V1 agonist, terlipressin increases systemic vascular resistance, particularly in the splanchnic area, resulting in a decrease of portal pressure. V1 binding also promotes platelet aggregation and glycogenolysis, while V3 binding induces adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion. Compared to vasopressin, terlipressin has a minimal effect on V2 receptors, which are responsible for promotion of water reabsorption in the collecting ducts of the kidney via stimulation of cyclic AMP production.
Atosiban is a nonapeptide, desamino-oxytocin analogue, and a competitive vasopressin/oxytocin receptor antagonist (VOTra). Atosiban is indicated to delay imminent pre-term birth in pregnant adult women. Atosiban is useful in improving the pregnancy outcome of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) in patients with repeated implantation failure (RIF). The pregnancy rate improved from zero to 43.7%.
Protirelin is a highly conserved neuropeptide that exerts the hormonal control of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels as well as neuromodulatory functions.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is an incretin derived from the transcription product of the proglucagon gene. The major source of GLP-1 in the body is the intestinal L cell that secretes GLP-1 as a gut hormone. Its physiological functions include promoting insulin sensitivity, decreasing food intake by increasing satiety in brain and increasing insulin secretion from the pancreas in a glucose-dependent manner.
Gonadorelin is a trophic peptide hormone responsible for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary. GnRH is synthesized and released from GnRH neurons within the hypothalamus. The peptide belongs to gonadotropin-releasing hormone family. It constitutes the initial step in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis.
Fertirelin acetate is a potent LHRH agonist. After a transient increase, continuous administration results in downregulation of LH and FSH levels followed by a suppression of ovarian and testicular steroid biosynthesis.