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Creative Peptides has accumulated a huge library of peptide knowledge including frontier peptide articles, application of peptides, useful tools, and more!

 Corticotropin (ACTH or adrenocorticotropic hormone) is a linear coupling of 39 amino acid residues and an import ...

 Myristoyl hexapeptide-4, a stabilized peptide, is a synthetic peptide containing lysine, threonine and serine re ...

  PKC (19-36), a synthetic peptide of the pseudosubstrate domain of the kinase, is a selective inhibitor of prote ...

Neurotransmitter Inhibitor Peptides Peptides used in topical anti-aging products have multiple applications. Gorouhi and Maib ...

 Ramoplanin is a new kind of glycopeptide antibiotics, which can inhibit the biosynthesis of the cell walls of gr ...

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