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Creative Peptides has accumulated a huge library of peptide knowledge including frontier peptide articles, application of peptides, useful tools, and more!

 The 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) contains three domains: the ATPase N-domain, which hydrolyses ATP, the sub ...

Trifluoroacetyl tripeptide-2 (TFA-T2) is an innovative peptide compound that has garnered significant attention in dermatolog ...

Peptides are the ideal drug molecules because of their high affinity, high selectivity, low toxicity, and easy synthesis. Sci ...

 The toxin BeKm 1 is a HERG-specific peptide toxin, which are voltage-gated K+ channels, coded by the human ether ...

L-ornithine α-ketoglutarate monohydrate, with some synonyms like OKG, OAKG and L-ornithine 2-oxoglutarate monohy ...

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