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Creative Peptides has accumulated a huge library of peptide knowledge including frontier peptide articles, application of peptides, useful tools, and more!

 JIP1, a member of the JIPs family, was first discovered to promote JNK activation by combining multiple componen ...

 DAPTA (D-[Ala]-Ser-Thr-Thr-Thr-Asn-Tyr-Thr-amide), D-Ala-Peptide T amide, is one of analogue of peptide T, which ...

The mammalian precursor gene proglucagon, which contains the glucagon sequence together with two structurally related glucago ...

ICl 154,129 is a new compound that shows selectivity as an antagonist of [Leu5]enkephalin and [D-AIa2, D-Leu5]en ...

  PR 39, a porcine 39-aa peptide antibiotic, was originally isolated from the upper part of the small intestine o ...

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