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Creative Peptides has accumulated a huge library of peptide knowledge including frontier peptide articles, application of peptides, useful tools, and more!

 Developed by the German company Hoechst Marion Roussel and derived from genetic modification of hirudin, lepirud ...

 Guangxitoxin 1E is a KV2.1 and KV2.2 specific channel blocker (IC50 values are 1-3 nM). The experimental results ...

  Fertirelin acetate, classified into peptide hormone, is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist or ...

 The toxin BeKm 1 is a HERG-specific peptide toxin, which are voltage-gated K+ channels, coded by the human ether ...

 Figure 1. The structural formula of montirelinMontirelin, an analog of thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) is m ...

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