Andersonin-S peptide precursor

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Creative Peptides has accumulated a huge library of peptide knowledge including frontier peptide articles, application of peptides, useful tools, and more!

  BIM 189 is one of the most potent bombesin antagonists known in the guinea pig and 3T3 cell systems but has 40% ...

 The 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) contains three domains: the ATPase N-domain, which hydrolyses ATP, the sub ...

 Myristoyl hexapeptide-4, a stabilized peptide, is a synthetic peptide containing lysine, threonine and serine re ...

  The endocytosis of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) requires the GTPase activity of dynamin. Since it is now established ...

  Conotoxins are small peptides of 12 to 19 amino acids, which act as highly selective antagonists of ion channel ...

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